Wesnet (the Women’s Services Network) Inc. provides relief and support to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence and other forms of gender-based violence. A national network, our members are the specialist domestic and family violence services across Australia.
Wesnet is also the leading non-profit organisation in Australia working on the intersection of technology and violence against women. We work to ensure that women can remain connected through technology, that people who choose to misuse technology for abusive purposes are disrupted and held to account, and to educate and support individuals, organisations and broader society to end technology facilitated abuse.

Global Network of Women’s Shelters (GNWS)
The GNWS was born at the 1st World Conference of Women’s Shelters in Edmonton, Canada, in 2008 and founded in 2009 by a globally diverse group of national networks and shelters from around the world. It has networks in Africa, America, Asia, Europe, the Middle East & North Africa, and Oceania, working to: ensure global awareness of violence against women and their children; support and strengthen the women’s shelter movement; promote effective policies and their implementation in order to prevent violence and to protect and empower women and their children; and promote social change that ends violence and oppression against women.